Only Good Games: You Must Build A Boat

It took me a while to get to this one, but it was well worth it. You Must Build a Boat (YMBAB) is a gem. Despite how tired “match three” and “roguelike” both sound, I assure you this combination of the two is special. First off, the matching works differently than in your run of the mill Bejeweled clone. Instead of tile swapping there are these rows and columns that you manipulate like a looping Rubik's cube. It's simultaneously maddening and gratifying. Additionally, each match you make contributes to your character’s progress through a run either in combat or in overcoming an obstacle. When you inevitably fall in battle, the cash and goods you bring back to your boat afford new merchants, party members, and stages. Each new element diversifies the gameplay and makes your character more formidable. It's a really engaging loop that has the “ just one more go” feeling on lock.
Beyond the core gameplay, YMBAB is clever and artful. The music is shockingly good. Like the gameplay, it sticks with you. The pixel art is obviously plain, but the characters and the world still feel fun and lively. The theme of building a boat is creatively reinforced and reintroduced in such clever ways, I was legitimately sentimental at the game's semi-conclusion. In sum, I really loved this game. I think if most people gave it a look they'd fall for it too.

Price: $2.99 - 4.99
Developer: Eighty Eight Games
Availability: iOS; Android (me), Steam
See for yourself: Trailer
