Only Good Games: No More Buttons

Usually, when I see a phone game with a bunch of on-screen buttons it's a bad sign. Mostly, it means the game has crowded and uninspired controls, but with No More Buttons, the exact opposite is true.
No More Buttons is a puzzle platformer, but before you perform a compulsory eye-roll, take one look at the game and see if you aren't drawn in by its central feature: all of the buttons are actually in the game world. To solve each puzzle you have to push, flip around, or otherwise manipulate the very buttons you're using to control your character. It's a genius concept that opens up the puzzle design to new and intriguing territory.
The puzzles themselves are great. There's no over-tutorialization, new mechanics are introduced regularly to keep things fresh, and for me, the difficulty was spot on.
Additionally, the game's mechanical uniqueness reinforces the narrative themes of control and creativity. I won't say anything more on that front for fear of spoiling it, but I was surprised to see such care and personality put into the game's story.
The whole game won't take you very long, and it's pretty much one and done. In my book, No More Buttons is a terrific, little, indie gem.

Price: $2.99
Developer: Tommy Soreide Kjaer
Availability: iOS; Android (me)
See for yourself: Trailer
